
Tupperware figured this one out long ago…every living room can be a showroom!

Host an evening of suit-sizing activities for your peeps in the comfort of your own home or other space.  Dan will show up with a single 4 foot rolling rack of suit samples and a tote full of fabric samples, clip boards, lots of suit photos to peruse, plenty of order forms and of course…his trusty measuring tape.  He’s also able to bring a cooler full of refreshing beverages if you’d like – to refresh your guests.

When hosting an event at your place, you’ll advertise amongst your personal contacts – we won’t advertise your location or invite anyone else.

Not only is the commute to this event convenient for the host, but they also enjoy a shopping credit of 10% on all house orders.  Just ten friends gets you in to a new suit of your own!

Please contact Dan directly if you’re interested in hosting a suit-ordering event at your place (  * A suggested minimum of 10 suit orders is requested for private suit events with a suggested maximum of 20 for one evening.